Frequently Asked Questions

The first step in the process is to attend one of our 会话信息s. 本节课将通过解释留学过程来帮助回答您的初步问题, 并帮助你如何在我们的数据库中搜索,找到一个既经济又课程匹配的项目. 该课程还将向学生介绍出国留学的奖学金选择和财务规划.

申请截止日期是在你出国留学前的学期中期. Fall Semester and Academic Year deadlines are in mid-February, Spring semester is in mid-October, Spring Break 教师-Led programs are in early November, Summer 教师-Led are in early February, and Summer Affiliated programs are in early March. 请参阅我们的 日历 for our upcoming deadlines.

ODU requires that students have a 2.0 GPA to participate in faculty-led programs, and a 2.5 GPA for exchange and affiliated programs. 一些主办大学和附属项目可能有更高的GPA要求, and some faculty-led programs may have prerequisites. 资格要求可以在每个项目的小册子页面上查看 ODUAbroad.

任何专业、任何学院的学生都可以参加出国留学. 最好尽早计划,并与您的学术顾问会面,以确定您的剩余学位要求以及在您的学习计划期间出国留学的理想学期. You'll then meet with a 出国留学 Advisor 讨论你剩下的学位要求,并找到一个课程匹配的项目.

学生可以在国外选修主修、辅修、主修或选修D课程. Typically, students take upper-level electives within their degree requirements. 学生 should save their electives for study abroad if possible.

我们的留学顾问帮助每个学生确定课程匹配的项目. For exchange and affiliated programs, 学生有责任在出发前从每个ODU学术部门获得所选课程的批准,并与学术顾问一起审查他们的课程负荷,以确保在国外学习的课程符合专业要求, 小, and/or other degree requirements. 学生必须通过主办大学的每门课程才能获得ODU的学分. 每门获得及格成绩的预批准课程将作为转学分出现在学生的ODU成绩单上(这些课程的成绩不会出现在ODU成绩单上,也不会被计算到学生的ODU GPA中)。.

教师-led programs are ODU courses that take place abroad, 所以你在这门课上得到的分数会显示在你的成绩单上,就像你在学校里修过一样. Your grade will impact your GPA just like a regular ODU course.

成本s vary from program to program and are dependent on program type, 持续时间, cost of living in and traveling to the host country, and the currency exchange rate. Sample budgets for each program type will be provided in the 会话信息. 学生将在个人咨询预约期间收到更具体的项目预算. 学生对交换项目特别感兴趣,因为学费与ODU相同.

是的! 学生 can use ODU scholarships, grants, and loans to pay for 出国留学. Other funding sources (i.e. GI Benefits, Prepaid 学费 Plans, outside scholarships, etc.) may also be possible for certain programs. 点击这里 for more information about using financial aid for study abroad.

是的! Our 办公室 gives over $100,000 to students studying abroad each year. 看到我们的 日历 for application deadlines. 我们也鼓励学生通过其他组织申请出国留学奖学金. 点击这里 for a comprehensive list of funding opportunities.

Our students' health and safety is our primary concern. You can find helpful resources for health and safety abroad here. 我们还将在学生出发前的指导中提供全面的健康和安全简报. For any students who are taking medications or have health concerns, 我们的顾问将安排时间单独会面,讨论为成功的留学经历做准备的步骤.

For students who disclose that they have special needs, 我们的顾问将安排时间单独会面,讨论为成功的留学经历做准备的步骤. 我们的顾问将在我们的保险提供商的帮助下,协助研究感兴趣的国家和项目,以确定可以为每个学生的独特需求提供什么样的住宿.

我们为来自不同种族和民族背景的学生提供丰富的资源, LGBTQIA +学生, First-Generation students, and students with disabilities available 在我们的网站上.

ODU offers programs in approximately 80 countries throughout the world. 学生 can study in Africa, the Americas, Asia, Australia, or Europe. You can explore over 850 programs on ODUAbroad.

No! You can take classes in English almost anywhere in the world! 然而,建议你学习东道国语言的基础知识.e. hello, please, thank you, etc.) to be respectful of the culture.

学生可以在学期、学年、暑假和春假期间出国学习. 学生可以在ODU的第一年就通过教师主导的项目或暑期附属项目出国留学, as long as they meet the program's eligibility requirements. For semester-length and academic year programs, ODU要求学生在提交出国留学申请之前必须有反映ODU一整年的GPA(转学生需要有反映一整个学期的GPA)。. 学生将在出国学习前的学期中期提交留学申请. 请 see our 日历 for upcoming deadlines. Some programs are also available to graduate students. 学生将与他们的学术顾问一起决定他们出国留学的最佳时间.

只要学生符合项目的资格要求,他们可以在大一的时候通过教师主导的项目或暑期附属项目参加海外留学项目. For semester-length and academic year programs, ODU要求学生在提交出国留学申请之前,必须有一个反映ODU全年学习情况的GPA.

转学 是否能够在ODU第一年通过教师主导的项目或暑期附属项目参加海外学习项目,只要他们符合项目的资格要求. For semester-length and academic year programs, ODU要求转学生在提交出国留学申请之前必须有一个反映ODU整个学期的GPA.

是的! You will need to work with an international student advisor to ensure all your immigration documents are up-to-date before you travel. 根据目的地国家的不同,你也可能有特殊的签证要求. 与你的留学顾问交谈,在签证过程中获得帮助.

是的! 我们的顾问将通过电话或视频聊天与您协调预约.