
The cybercrime major prepares students for occupations in law enforcement and information technology. Students in the cybercrime program will be required to developed strong written and verbal communication skills, as well as skills in mathematics and logic. Students will take courses in criminology, cybersecurity, and information technology. Through these courses they will learn about technology-related criminal justice issues, including cyberlaws and computer crime investigations. They will also acquire the technical skills that employers ask for, 包括网络安全知识, 数字取证, 计算机网络, and common programming languages like Java and C+.


  • Students have the flexibility to tailor their learning to their unique interests by double majoring in cybersecurity, information technology or criminal justice.

  • Students complete for-credit internships and gain real world experience.



看看这些想法来自 ODU职业发展服务职业信息网(O*NET). A median salary is a midpoint of what people typically earn—half of those surveyed earned above the median salary, 一半的收入低于.


$54,150 工资中位数

Provide technical assistance to computer users. Answer questions or resolve computer problems for clients in person, 或者通过电话或电子方式. May provide assistance concerning the use of computer hardware and software, 包括印刷, 安装, 字(词)处理技术, 电子邮件, 以及操作系统.

Criminal Investigators and Special Agents

$83,320 工资中位数

Investigate alleged or suspected criminal violations of Federal, 状态, or local laws to determine if evidence is sufficient to recommend prosecution.


$83,320 工资中位数

收集, 分析, or evaluate information from a variety of sources, 比如执法数据库, 监测, intelligence networks or geographic information systems. Use intelligence data to anticipate and prevent organized crime activities, such as terrorism.


$61,220 工资中位数

Collect, identify, classify, and 分析 physical evidence related to criminal investigations. 对武器或物质进行测试, 比如纤维, 头发, and tissue to determine significance to investigation. May testify as expert witnesses on evidence or crime laboratory techniques. May serve as specialists in area of expertise, 比如弹道, 指纹识别, 笔迹, 或生物化学.


What are the requirements to apply for Cybercrime at ODU?
Students entering the 理学学士 program in Cybercrime should meet the minimum university admission requirements 本科入学.
  • 学生必须培养很强的数学技能.  Most classes in the technology portion of the major require Math 102M (College Algebra) and many require MATH 162M (Precalculus I).


在ODU, we understand that as a transfer student you have unique needs that require a wide array of campus resources. The Center for Advising 政府 and Academic 合作伙伴关系 aims to create a transfer inclusive culture that supports the successful...


Estimated rates for the 2023-24 academic year. 价格可能会有变动. Anyone that is not a current Virginia resident will be charged non-resident rates. 包括国际学生.

成本每个点数 $250
成本每个点数 $393
技术 Delivered 课程 Outside Virginia and/or the United States
成本每个点数 $407
成本每个点数 $1,073


Here are a few ways for you to save on the cost of attending ODU. For more information visit University Student Financial aid