
B.S. in 心理学 is designed to provide a knowledge base of current methods, 内容区域, 和理论. It seeks to facilitate the development of intellectual skills and 特征 that enhance the student's lifelong personal and career success. The program begins with a general psychology course and includes courses in scientific reasoning in psychology, 定量方法和实验设计. Additional coursework is selected from a broad range of available courses. Students are encouraged to pursue breadth across the areas of psychology, 尤其是当你计划在心理学上深造的时候. 这个部门有, 然而, identify sets of courses particularly relevant for students interested in health psychology, 临床, 工业/组织, 或者人为因素(工程学)心理学.


  • 有机会参与心理学研究项目

  • Opportunities for experiential learning in the form of internships or practicums

  • Opportunities to engage in five psychology-related student organizations

  • Offers students four particular areas of interest within the 心理学 program: 健康 心理学, 临床心理学, 人因心理学, 工业/组织心理学



看看这些想法来自 ODU职业发展服务职业信息网(O*NET). A median salary is a midpoint of what people typically earn—half of those surveyed earned above the median salary, 一半的收入低于.


$35,460 工资中位数

协助提供不同领域的客户服务, 比如心理学, 康复, 或者社会工作, 包括对家庭的支持. May assist clients in identifying and obtaining available benefits and social and community services. 可以帮助社会工作者发展吗, 组织, and conducting programs to prevent and resolve problems relevant to substance abuse, 人际关系, 康复, 或者依赖性护理.


$81,330 工资中位数

Investigate processes of learning and teaching and develop psychological principles and techniques applicable to educational problems.


$85,050 工资中位数

教授心理学课程, 比如孩子, 临床, 发展心理学, 心理咨询. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.


$102,530 工资中位数

将心理学原理应用于人力资源, 政府, 管理, 销售, 还有营销问题. Activities may include policy planning; employee testing and selection, 培训 and development; and organizational development and analysis. May work with 管理 to organize the work setting to improve worker productivity.


Students entering the 理学学士 program in 心理学 should meet the minimum university admission requirements 本科入学.
  • Complete 6 credits of Written Communication (ENGL 110 + another composition course)

  • Complete 心理学 201, Math 102 or 103 (or higher Math), all with a grade of C or better

  • 总绩点和心理学绩点保持在2分.0

  • 完成30学分

  • Until you complete these requirements, you should be advised by the 理学院顾问团队,位于MGB 236的咨询套房. After having completed these requirements, you can declare a 心理学 major. 要做到这一点,你必须参加一个宣言会议. 请参阅mgb246外的公告板 主要宣言会议


在ODU, we understand that as a transfer student you have unique needs that require a wide array of campus resources. The Center for Advising 政府 and Academic 合作伙伴关系 aims to create a transfer inclusive culture that supports the successful...


2023-24学年的估计费用. 价格可能会有变动. Anyone that is not a current Virginia resident will be charged non-resident rates. 包括国际学生.

成本每个点数 $250
成本每个点数 $393
技术 Delivered 课程 Outside Virginia and/or the United States
成本每个点数 $407
成本每个点数 $1,073


这里有一些方法可以让你节省参加ODU的费用. 欲了解更多信息,请访问大学学生财政援助

Sarah E. 阿姆斯特朗科学奖学金

Sarah E. 阿姆斯特朗科学奖学金 成立于2002年,以纪念Sarah E. 阿姆斯特朗. The recipient must be a full-time student who has been accepted into the 理学院 and must have an overall cumulative 3.平均绩点2.


东弗吉尼亚科学博物馆奖 was established by the Science Museum Association of Eastern Virginia in 1998. The award is given to one or more junior students majoring in biology, 化学, 计算机科学, 地质, 数学, 海洋学, 物理学或心理学. 收件人必须至少有一个3.平均绩点25.

*的. 肯尼斯·斯克里布纳科学奖学金

*的. 肯尼斯·斯克里布纳科学奖学金 是由已故的. Scribner, Virginia Chemicals, Inc .前总裁. and a former member of the 最靠谱的网赌软件 Board of 访问ors. 成立于1978年, the scholarships assist students majoring in science or a science-related field who have demonstrated financial need and show capability and industry in scientific studies. 优先考虑汉普顿路公立学校的毕业生. (FAFSA)


迈克尔·格林斯潘/ODU心理留学奖学金 - This award is given each year for a selected 心理学 Major to study psychology at one of ODU's partner institutions in the United Kingdom. Students interested in this opportunity should contact the ODU 出国留学 Office.