
Ciara Covington receives the Outstanding University Scholar Award from Brian O总裁. Hemphill and Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Austin Agho. 上图:Krista Harrell, 负责校友关系的副校长, 赠送10美元,000美元支票给考夫曼奖得主卡尔文·达格.

Mechanical engineering technology major Calvin Dugger was named the winner of the Kaufman Award, the highest honor given to a graduating 最靠谱的网赌软件 student, 在5月4日举行的学生荣誉颁奖晚宴上.

Psychology major Ciara Covington was named the Outstanding University Scholar, and seven students received Provost’s Awards for Outstanding 本科 研究er at the dinner, 在韦伯大学中心的北餐厅举行.

The Kaufman Award, which comes with a $10,000 prize, was established by Landmark Communications. It recognizes graduating seniors who have had an exceptional and constructive influence on the University, its students or the community by demonstrating the highest qualities of leadership and service.

该奖项是为了纪念查尔斯·考夫曼而命名的, 社区领袖, 慈善家和ODU的朋友. 以考夫曼为例, the award winner must show sustained participation in leadership of campus or community groups, an outstanding record of volunteer activities or academic excellence, 或者是影响校园或社区的重大成就.

达格在ODU辅修工程管理. He presided over Sigma Phi Epsilon and the Interfraternity Council and served on the ODU 战略规划 Steering Committee. From 2020 to 2022, he directed operations for Partners in Management Inc., the management division of Norfolk Urban 外展 Ministry. 他是佳能弗吉尼亚公司的工程师. 并计划攻读工商管理硕士学位.


“There are a select number of awards that allow for the opportunity to recognize another individual for their impact on the applicant,达格说。. “I am incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to highlight Joe Ritchie’s compassion and care that has helped me get to where I am today.”

达格是该奖项的五名决赛选手之一. The others, listed with their most inspirational faculty members, were:

  • 第二名是艾丽西亚·曼德, double major in astrophysics and computer engineering; minor in computer science. 最鼓舞人心的教员:贾斯汀·梅森
  • Abreionah Brown, biomedical sciences major; minor in chemistry. 最鼓舞人心的教员:雷纳尔多·兰德尔
  • Sydney Fletcher, mechanical engineering major, minor in electrical engineering technology. 最鼓舞人心的教员:奥兰多·阿亚拉
  • Jordan Locklear, electrical engineering major; minor in energy engineering. 最鼓舞人心的教员:Karina Arcaute

Covington was cited as the Outstanding University Scholar by the 校友会, which recognizes the undergraduate in each college with the highest academic average who will have completed at least 60 hours at the University. She was also named the outstanding scholar from the 理学院.

A psychology major graduating with a minor in administrative leadership and ethics, Covington plans to study industrial organizational psychology in graduate school. She praised her most inspirational faculty member, Courtney Mozo.

“Ms. Mozo is caring and supportive and does whatever is needed to make sure her students are succeeding in their endeavors,卡温顿说. “Not to mention her teaching style is what made me feel confident in my academic abilities.”

The 校友会 also named the following Outstanding College Scholars:

  • 文学院: Michelle Fischer, double major in game studies and design, and world languages and cultures. 最鼓舞人心的教员:路易斯·瓜达诺
  • 斯特罗姆商学院: Leigh Epperson, marketing major; minor in accounting. 最鼓舞人心的教员:玛丽·贝思·彭宁顿
  • 达顿教育与专业研究学院: Ryan Crum, speech-language pathology and audiology major; minor in special education. 最鼓舞人心的教员:安妮·佩罗蒂
  • 巴顿工程技术学院: Logan Kooy, mechanical engineering technology major; engineering management minor. 最鼓舞人心的教员:奥兰多·阿亚拉
  • 卫生科学学院: Emma Marler, dental hygiene major; minor in psychology. 最鼓舞人心的教员:山姆·维斯特
  • 网络安全学院: Matthew Allen, cybersecurity major; minor in military leadership. 最鼓舞人心的教员:迈克尔·古兰德
  • 护理学院: 海莉·邓肯,护理学和心理学双学位. 最鼓舞人心的教员:Lynn Wiles

Brian O总裁. Hemphill, Ph值.D., and Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Austin Agho bestowed the Provost’s Awards for Outstanding 本科 研究er.


  • 洛根·贝克,化学和生物化学双学位. 王贵军提名.
  • James Garcia, double major in chemistry and biochemistry. 也被王提名.
  • Jennifer Burdette, double major in chemistry and biochemistry. 艾琳·珀塞尔提名.
  • Noah Hendricks, ocean and earth sciences major; minor in physics and applied mathematics. 约翰·克林克提名.
  • Kayla Pineda,计算机科学专业. 由Sampath Jayarathna提名.
  • Ryan Shahan, double major in applied mathematics and physics. 由Balša Terzic提名.
  • Dominik Soós, computer science major; minor in mathematics. 吴健提名.

The Student Honors and Awards Dinner is held twice a year before the Spring and Fall Commencement Exercises.

“You have set yourselves apart in both academic achievement and co-curricular involvement,阿古在介绍中对获奖者说. “You have seen first-hand the excellence in teaching we strive to achieve at 最靠谱的网赌软件. We are also pleased to recognize the faculty who have mentored and supported you in your academic journey and left an indelible mark on your time at Old Dominion.”