



的 里士满大学专业学院 & 继续研究 和 最靠谱的网赌软件继续教育学院,与 弗吉尼亚沿海酿酒联盟 以及潮水地区的其他社区合作伙伴, offers a beer brewer professional certificate for those interested in entering or advancing in the growing craft beer industry.


你如何管理企业的财务? 无论你是一个企业家, 经营家族企业, 或者只是想提升你的职业生涯,增加你的技能, 本簿记证书将为你提供计量所需的知识, 和管理, 你公司的财务状况. 


Mentoring and coaching have come to be used more frequently in organizations to improve leadership competencies. 它对雇主和雇员都有好处. 你所积累的知识会改变你在职场中对自己的看法. 通过这些知识,你可以在工作和生活中找到有用的策略. 


发现职场成功写作的关键. 你是否在写报告, 备忘录, 信件或宣传通知, 商务写作有一些成功的明确特征. 在工作场所,成功的沟通者前进,其他人后退. 通过提高这种关键的沟通技巧来提升你的职业生涯. 


的 财务策划执行证书 prepares individuals for success in the demanding but highly rewarding financial planning industry. 该计划的课程涵盖了全面发展所需的专业知识领域, 为不同的个人客户提供有效的财务计划.


最靠谱的网赌软件 can work with your organization to create a customized training program tailored to meet your specific needs. 一些例子包括网络安全, 人力资源, 项目管理, 大数据分析, 领导力发展, 和销售/谈判. 我们设计的培训形式将满足您的具体需求, 就内容而言, 长度, 时间和地点以及练习的使用, 与参与者工作相关的例子和案例研究.


客户服务现在对商业和所有工作组织都是必不可少的. 随着科技的发展,人与人之间的互动变得越来越重要. 是否与留住客户有关, 为你的受众服务, 或者将潜在客户的咨询转化为销售, 良好的客户服务现在是组织成功的核心因素之一. 


Adobe软件工具是图形设计的领先软件. Adobe Illustrator是行业标准的计算机插图软件. Adobe InDesign is the industry standard page-layout program that works with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop seamlessly. 使用adobephotoshop有效地使用选择和编辑工具, 层, 还有要编辑的蒙版, 润饰和增强现有的图像或创建自己的合成数字艺术作品. 访问所需的Adobe软件工具. 


Advance your HR career with 最靠谱的网赌软件's SHRM 学习 System Course or SHRM Essentials. Earn the SHRM Certified Professional (SHRM-CP®) or SHRM Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP®) and prove your knowledge, 能力, 对在当今全球经济中寻求竞争优势的同事和雇主来说也是有价值的.


ODU's INCOSE Certification training course provides a comprehensive treatment and review of the INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook v4 and mid semester and final sample exams as part of the course in preparation for the INCOSE SEP Certification exam. 专为专业人士设计, 这是一个严谨的, 实用, 灵活的在线课程将为您提供所需的准备和信心.


当您获得ODU和USF的精益六西格玛认证时, 你正在为你的职业生涯注入活力,并为你的个人成长提供动力. Earning a 精益六西格玛 certification is more than upskilling—it's acquiring some of the most in-demand process improvement skills in the marketplace today. 的y are more than just another credential to add to your profile; these certifications define you as a continuous improvement expert and can redefine your career path.


Enhance your management skills through this program for supervisors, managers, and emerging leaders. 没有什么比坚实的基础更能创造成功. 发现有效管理员工的关键. 找出如何建立清晰的期望, 吸引和激励员工, 提高你的效率. 


你不能像管理办公室职员那样管理远程工作者. 但你可以更好地管理远程员工,提高生产力和效率. 发现在21世纪的新工作场所成功管理的关键. 得到一个循序渐进的实用指南,你不会得到任何其他地方. 雇员和雇主都喜欢这个新制度. 你也可以把这些方法应用到你的办公室职员身上. 


在商业上取得成功必须具备的技能, 无论是企业家还是有价值的员工, 是创造的能力, 编辑和管理电子表格. 微软Excel是世界上最常用的电子表格工具. 


今天的非营利组织在很多方面都需要像企业一样经营. 有竞争, 需要创造收入和盈余, 员工需要更有效率. 为非营利组织提供创收方面的最佳培训, 以及非营利组织的项目评估, 获得非营利组织管理证书. 


这个全国广受好评的非学分项目是由律师设计的, 法官和律师助理, 由执业律师和法官专门教授. 的 hands-on program distinguishes itself by its focus on real world skill-sets most in demand by law firms and legal divisions. It is designed with the working student in mind and provides the education you need to begin a paralegal career or advance an existing career in the legal field.


是否在找工作, 升职, 或者成为一名自由职业者, developing these soft skills will add value to your career goals and set you apart from other candidates. 然而,主要的问题是,你具备这些技能吗? 他们如何被开发和培养?
In order to develop soft skills it is crucial to learn more about oneself; this will help you become more aware of your mindset. Being conscious about your emotions and actions will lead you to develop many softs skills such as communication, 适应性, 创造力, 和领导能力.


Our professional leadership certificate teaches you the characteristics and skills necessary to lead. 课程侧重于组织/社会领导力, 并为学生提供进入大学的入口. It allows students to gain a post-secondary credential that can be folded into the BS IDS 领导 major, 如果需要.


ODU的项目管理研究生证书(GCPM)将教你这些概念, 在工作场所监督项目所需的管理工具和过程. 该证书还提供了成功通过PMP考试所需的核心知识. 虽然PMP考试准备课程不包括在这个证书, students enrolling in GCPM will qualify for a discount on their PMP Prep Course if they choose to take it.


的 PMP® credential has become the most recognized certification in 项目管理 in the world and is considered the gold standard of PM qualifications. ODU's PMP® Exam Prep course reviews the PMI® 项目管理 framework 和 项目管理 Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®). During the course, your progress is measured through testing that simulates actual examination areas.


远程工作并不会让你成为远程工作的专家. 获得新的见解,经验和先进的技巧,从家里工作. Find out the 5 bad habits too many remote workers 和ir managers acquire from lack of experience, 工具和专业知识. 然后获取与远程工作者沟通的最新策略. Come away with a deeper understanding of this enormous cultural and work shift going on in the workplace and in society. 


结构化查询语言(SQL)是行业标准的数据库编程语言. It is one of the most in demand skills in occupations that require interaction with data and analyzing data. 通过你对结构化查询语言的了解, you will become more marketable in computer related career fields that pertain to database 政府. 学习SQL还可以找到一份专门分析数据的工作,比如数据分析师, 质量保证分析师, 或者是业务分析师. 


Get in on this exciting and growing way to communicate, market and serve your customers and clients. 适用于企业、非营利组织、政府和其他组织. 从脸谱网到推特, 写博客, YouTube, LinkedIn, 和更多的, discover the new principles of communication that apply across all networks and how these specific social networks work 和 possible uses for your organization. 


大学录取,包括ACT & SAT prep; 研究生 admissions, 包括考试, GRE考试, GMAT Prep; and Praxis Core Prep classes, 都包括专家指导, 经过验证的格式, 所有必修课程材料, 并在线支持资源于一体方便, 负担得起的包.


Online users say a website's design is the number one criteria for deciding whether a company is credible or not, 根据最近的研究. Understanding what it takes to produce effective web design is essential in today's market of highly saturated digital competition. 


WordPress是网站和博客设计中最流行的内容管理系统(CMS). 主题包括CMS的介绍, WordPress安装和设置, 页面和内容创建, 政府, 主题(选择, 购买, 安装, 和设置), 使用小部件和插件, 和更多的. 


在工作场所,良好的沟通比以往任何时候都更重要. 对你的职业发展和成功至关重要. Come get a comprehensive and intensive preparation with skills and techniques you can put to use on Monday morning.