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Bioelectrics 最靠谱的网赌软件

2022 卡尔·H. & 吉塞拉米. Schoenbach Fellowship

April 2023

卡尔·H. & 吉塞拉米. Schoenbach Fellowship endowment was established in 2018 to provide fellowships for graduate students pursuing a graduate research program in bioelectrics at the Frank Reidy RESEARCH Center for Bioelectrics. Fellowships 是 assigned based on merit, candidates must be nominated by Center faculties and must be full-time students at the Center.

Emily Gudvangen and Kamal Asadipour the 2022 recipients of the fellowship. Emily is a fourth-year student in the biomedical engineering graduate program at ODU. 博士. Pakhomov's group, she studies pulsed electric fields ablation of cancer tissue. Kamal is also a fourth-year student in the biomedical engineering graduate program and with Dr. Beebe he studies the immunostimulatory effects of nanosecond electric pulses.


教授. Michael Kong with Kamal Asadipour and Emily Gudvangen

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