
Hands at Laptop

除了基础微积分的课程先决条件外,这些课程没有入学先决条件, differential equations, 概率和统计,通过完成BRES(贝蒂斯反应堆工程学院)或ONPS/原型.

所有三学分课程可以按任何顺序完成. ENMA 605必须在最后一个学期完成.


介绍工程项目的财务方面, including accounting principles; financial reports and analysis; capital budgeting; cost estimation and control, inventory management; depreciation; investment decisions.

介绍优化方法和决策的确定性模型, linear, integer and non-linear programming; transportation, assignment, and inventory models; network techniques; sensitivity analysis.

Design, evaluation, control, and organization of technical projects; scheduling, budgeting, planning, and monitoring practices; software tools; project information systems; proposal preparation; strategic issues; marketing of technology.

分销管理制度, materials handling, inventory control, 交通规划和设施定位与分析. 特别强调物流信息系统和物流战略的发展. Includes case studies.

Quality Deming's way. 在线质量工程, scientific sampling, control charts, acceptance sampling; the quality cost concept and economic aspects of quality decisions. 强调统计过程控制.

ENMA 715:系统分析 (3 credits).  提供对系统开发的跨学科方面的理解, operation, and support. 侧重于应用科学和工程努力,通过设计的交互过程将操作需求转化为已定义的系统配置, test and evaluation.


ENMA 724: Risk Analysis (3 credits).  在系统工程和管理的背景下风险分析的原理和应用.

评估学生对整个课程中主要概念的理解和吸收. Final course in program; may be taken concurrently with another course in the final semester. Required for graduation. 可能不会被打乱顺序.

For 预先批准的MEM候选人 谁不是BRES或NPS-O/Prototype的毕业生, 这些额外的课程可以异步完成毕业所需的31个学分:

为人类人格和行为的基本理论和实践提供基础, 人际关系和组织动态以及领导能力.


介绍可靠性工程的理论与实践, 从跨学科的角度来看,可维护性和可用性, emphasizing concepts, 模型和实际应用.

系统的方法来设计的基本原则, 关键基础设施系统的经济学和管理, including issues of risk, 脆弱性和风险治理.


有关这些课程的问题和MEM学生学位计划的具体细节, contact

Updated July 20, 2023.