户外活动 & 许可证

Follow this process to request outdoor event support:

  • Plan the event in a timely manner to ensure it can be properly supported, 所需人员安排, 和许可, 如果有必要的话, 可以得到.
  • 事件 that will have tents, 阶段, or inflatables/amusements must have all documentation submitted at least 提前4周 of the intended event date.
  • 转到下面的步骤2.

注意: 所有帐篷资料, 阶段, and inflatables/amusements must be submitted, per the instructions below. 尽管不是所有的帐篷, 阶段 and inflatables/amusements need a permit - 设施管理 must determine if any underground utilities (gas and electricity lines for example) might be impacted by an event.

第一个, reserve your space on campus with the appropriate department, depending on the location of the event.

If your event does not have a tent, 阶段/立管, and/or inflatable/amusement go on to 步骤4,否则:

第一个 - if t在这里 will be a tent, 阶段/立管, and/or inflatable/amusement involved in event, then open appropriate form(s) below - all that apply to your event - and work with your vendor(s) (the fields shaded in blue) to complete:


舞台形式 (If using an ODU 阶段/立管 and ramp - only the site and stage layouts are needed. If using a third-party vendor - all required documentation must be submitted.)

Inflatables and Amusements Form

Requirements for the Certificate of Insurance (COI) form can be found 在这里.

第二 For events with tents/阶段/amusements - Once you have completed all the fields on the required form(s) AND only once you have ALL the required documentation, as noted on the above form(s)... fill out and submit Kuali Outdoor Event Form below, item 4), below

Certificate of Insurance (COI)

The University now requires that a Certificate of Insurance (COI) form and Endorsement form:

  1. a. The insurer must directly email the COI and Endorsement forms to risk@vbl-design.com<mailto:risk@vbl-design.com&gt; 和CC: rlemoal@vbl-design.com<mailto:risk@vbl-design.com&gt;, 活动组织者
    b. The insurer must include the name of the event and the date(s) of the event in the Subject line of the email
  2. a. The insurer must directly email the COI and Endorsement forms to risk@vbl-design.com 和CC: rlemoal@vbl-design.com 活动组织者
    b. They must include the name of the event and the date(s) of the event in the Subject line of the mail

Certificate of Insurance (COI) Form requirements:

  • Revised COI minimums are now:
    • General Liability - $1,000,000
    • NEW - Automobile Liability - $1,000,000-ONLY required if students, staff and/or faculty will be riding in vehicle
    • NEW - Workers Comp, Employer's liability - $500,000, $500,000, $500,000
    • Umbrella Liability - ONLY in the case of larger, 机动项目, such as a Ferris Wheel or a merry-go-round - $3,000,000 - $5,000,000美元(优先考虑500万美元)

See example of a correct COI form

Endorsement Form requirements:

  • The endorsement form should be filled out as:
    • Name field: 最靠谱的网赌软件 and the Commonwealth of Virginia
    • Location field: ODU and the Commonwealth of Virginia, 罗林斯厅, 5215 Hampton Blvd.R,诺福克,弗吉尼亚州23508

See example of a correct Endorsement Form

Fill out fields, and attach any required documents before submitting the 户外支撑表格.

帐篷,舞台 & 游乐设备许可证

Any group or organization seeking to use tents, 阶段 and/or amusement devices (inflatables, 游乐设施, 等.) on campus must request a permit. This ensures that all Commonwealth requirements and University policies are met, and that the University's infrastructure is protected.


Virginia state law requires that permit requirements be met 之前 租赁. The main requirements are:

  • co17 - tmp许可证 from the Bureau of Capital Outlay Management (BCOM)
  • 〇帐篷检查 by State Fire Marshall or designee (风险管理)
  • Amusement Device Inspection - by Virginia Department of 住房 and 社区 Development (DHCD) inspector