横幅金融 & 预算



本视频向新用户介绍Banner财务模块. 在这个视频培训课程中, participants will learn how to access and interpret budget information in Banner; learn the forms that allow departments to do internal financial reporting; check available balances (and understand why discrepancies can occur); identify Banner transaction codes; research invoices; determine if a vendor is in ODU's vendor table; check base budget information; and learn about tools associated with monitoring your budgets. 随附视频的培训讲义可在下面的标签中找到.


先决条件横幅基础知识 审查

提示: 横幅培训不需要获得系统的访问权限. 要申请横幅帐户,请访问 在线服务/帐户请求 页一步一步的说明和审查我们的 如何做视频在这里. 所有可用的横幅访问的完整列表,请访问 横幅XE 页面.

所有与横幅有关的问题,请致电横幅热线 bannerhotline@vbl-design.com.

我们鼓励 反馈 最靠谱的网赌软件的培训计划!