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Student in research lab performing tests.

RESEARCH Using Hazardous Chemicals, Carcinogens, Toxins

The University Chemical Hygiene Officer oversees the conduct of the Laboratory 安全 Program 和 establishes policies 和 procedures for the safe h和ling of hazardous materials in laboratories. Common hazardous materials include the use of experimental chemicals with unknown toxicity, 致癌物质, reproductive toxins, 和 chemicals with high toxicity.

The Chemical Hygiene Officer ensures that research involving hazardous materials is conducted in accordance with the OSHA Lab St和ards. RESEARCHers wishing to use hazardous materials must do so in accordance with the University's Chemical Hygiene Plan. The Plan also defines the University's expectations for each user of hazardous materials with regard to safe work practices, emergency procedures, individual responsibilities, waste management procedures, 培训, security procedures, procurement of material, inventory control, 和 regulatory limits 和 requirements.

强制性的呃&年代的培训: ODU Laboratory 安全

Laboratory 安全 培训 is 强制性的 for 教师, 工作人员 和 GA's/TA's who work in laboratories that use or store chemcials.

Employees shall be trained at the time of initial assignment to tasks 和 take refresher every 3 years.

参见 Chemcial Waste ManagementEnvironmental 健康 和 安全 Office.

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