
First-year students at 最靠谱的网赌软件 can apply to join the following communities through their housing application. 请浏览下面的信息,以了解有关每个特定社区的更多信息.


探索商业和公共管理的世界. Hands-on learning and team-building activities will strengthen academic and social connections to help you prepare for and enter the business world. 这个社区位于 英国的房子.


  • 必须是斯特罗姆商学院专业的一年级学生
  • Will need to enroll in a specific section of BUSN 110: Introduction to Contemporary Business


CyberSecurity_LLC 2020

在课堂内外探索网络安全概念! First-year students interested in the growing career field of cybersecurity should consider this community. 这个社区位于 欧文斯的房子.


  • Must be a first-year student interested in the field of cybersecurity (ideal majors include: cybersecurity, 网络操作, 和网络犯罪)
  • 转移 students and upperclass students in these majors are also eligible for a select number of spaces
  • 是否需要参加CYSE 100的特定共享部分:网络探险家 & 大学定位, CYSE 200T:网络安全, 技术, 和社会, CRJS 215S:犯罪学概论


This community is designed for first-year students to intentionally continue their leadership journey. 参与者有权找到自己的声音,并认识到自己的领导潜力. 这个社区位于 英国的房子.


  • 任何感兴趣的一年级学生都欢迎申请加入我们的社区
  • 不需要以前的领导经验
  • 是否需要报名参加HIST 104H:解读美国的过去
  • 这个社区的学生将参加 新兴帝王蝶计划 要求:
    • 参加周二下午12:30的面对面社区建设会议
    • 参加周三中午12点的在线领导力讲座
    • Participate in the overnight retreat (All expenses are covered and transportation is provided)

Engineering_LLC 2020

This community brings together first-year students interested in all areas of engineering. Take part in co-curricular activities that will give you an edge in achieving success in the competitive field of engineering. 这个社区位于 欧文斯的房子.


  • Must be a first-year student with intended major within the 巴顿工程学院 & 技术
  • Engineering LLC students must have the academic credentials to begin at a math level of pre-calculus or higher
  • Earn ALEKS-PPL Proctored test score of 46 or above to be put into MATH 162M (Pre-Calculus I) or above; 了解更多 about ALEKS-PPL requirements for Engineering students 在这里
  • Will need to enroll in a specific shared sections of ENGN 110: Exploring Engineering 技术 and a math course (math placement based on ALEKS-PPL)



This community is ideal for first-year students who have an interested in the game design industry. If you see yourself being innovative or designing the next big game, this community is for you! 这个社区位于 欧文斯的房子.


  • 必须是对游戏有强烈兴趣的一年级学生. Must be able to accommodate enough electives or have required courses within its curriculum
  • 转移 and upperclass students in 游戏的研究 are also eligible for a select number of spaces in the community
  • Will need to enroll in a specific shared section of GAME 201T: Introduction to 游戏的研究


健康_LLC 2020

This community is ideal for first-year students interested in health and health-related majors. 生活,网络和学习一起在一个支持,同行领导,协作的环境. 这个社区位于 欧文斯的房子.


  • 必须是健康科学学院专业的一年级学生
  • 转移 and upperclass students in these majors are also eligible for a select number of spaces in the community
  • Will need to enroll in a specific shared sections of HLTH 101: Introduction to the 健康 Professions, SOC 201S:社会学概论, 化学105N/106N:化学导论讲座/实验 & HIST 104H:解读美国的过去(针对社区中的一些人)


ODUFirst_LLC 2020

这个社区是为第一代大学生准备的. 培养职业抱负和目标, 提高对校园和学术资源的认识, 寻找并发展导师, 感觉支持, 让你顺利过渡到大学. 这个社区位于 英国的房子.


  • Must be a first-year, first-generation college student that meets the course requirements
  • 是否需要注册COMM 101R:公共演讲的特定共享部分, 英语112L:文学导论, 和UNIV 100:大学迎新


这个社区是为喜欢或想要学习徒步旅行的一年级学生准备的, 攀爬, 划船或其他户外娱乐活动.  这家有限责任公司将挑战你尝试新事物, 培养领导能力, learn about environmental issues related to the outdoors and encourage academic success. 事件 will include rock 攀爬 socials, adventure trips, community cleanups, and skills workshops. 这个社区位于 法国的房子.


  • 不需要以前的户外娱乐经验.
  • 任何感兴趣的一年级学生都欢迎申请加入我们的社区.
  • Outdoor Adventure 社区 participants are required to attend the First Ascent trip to Ocracoke Island from September 6-8. 你可以注册 在这里. 请注意,有一个50美元的费用参加.

PerryHonors_LLC 2020

开发领导, social and cultural skills by living in an environment that compliments a rigorous and stimulating academic curriculum. 这个社区位于 维吉尼亚州的房子.


  • 必须申请并被佩里荣誉学院录取吗
  • 必须在佩里荣誉学院保持良好的信誉



This community provides a solid foundation for incoming first-year ROTC students who want to extend their experiences in building strong and positive campus connections through leadership and mentorship. 这个社区位于 法国的房子.


  • Must be a first-year student participating in the 军队参加后备役军官训练军团 or Navy/Marine Option ROTC program
  • 陆军:秋季- MSL 101,春季- MSL 102,陆军后备军官训练队学生可以发电子邮件 armyrotc@vbl-design.com 有关参与计划的更多信息
  • 海军:秋季- NAVS 101, 弹簧- navs320, 海军/海军陆战队选项ROTC的学生必须申请并被接受进入该计划.


Sciences_LLC 2020

This community is for first-year students majoring in biology; chemistry; computer science; mathematics and statistics; ocean and earth sciences; physics, 或者是寻求与职业目标相关的课外活动的心理学家. 这个社区位于 英国的房子.


  • Must be a first-year student with a major within the 理学院 to participate


服务-学习_LLC 2020

The 服务-学习 社区 promotes a vibrant community of social conscious ODU citizens. ODU服务学习的目标是教育, 参与, and equip our campus community with skills and experiences that connect rigorous academic curriculum with meaningful and tangible public work, 加强我们的学生和社区的可持续发展的未来. 这个社区位于 爱尔兰的房子.


  • 任何对公共和社区服务感兴趣的学生
  • Educational and social events are provided for students throughout the year and participating students will choose from various experiences to fulfill requirements of living in the community



Embrace diversity in a safe and affirming environment that brings together LGBTQIA+ students and straight allies to freely explore issues of gender identity and expression, 性取向, 以及它们的交集, 同时提倡意识和社会正义. 这个社区位于 爱尔兰的房子.

NOTE: This community does not assign rooms based on sex/gender assigned at birth/gender marker. 同意住在这个社区, 你可能会同意和不同出生性别的学生分到一个房间.


  • 返回社区的学生必须保持至少2分.0累积绩点
  • Educational and social events are provided for students throughout the year and participating students will choose from various experiences to fulfill requirements of living in the community
